1. Caroline Tobin
    16/07/2015 @ 10:48

    Your article mentions that there are family banking options of £2000 that include the storage for a period of 25 years. Can you let me know which banks you are referring to as my research has not led me to any banks offering that. Instead every bank I have looked at is charging about £1000 per annum in addition for storage, which is I have to say unaffordable to the majority of parents in the world. Thank you Caroline


    • Cord Blood Aware
      16/07/2015 @ 16:24

      Hi Caroline, In the UK cord blood banks generally offer a prepaid service which is approximately £2500 for 25 years of storage which equates to £100 per year. Obviously this varies from bank to bank but we aren’t aware of any UK cord blood banks offering annual storage costing £1000 per annum. You can find more information about UK cord blood banks here. Hope this helps.


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